Guest Editor: Journalism Practice, special issue 2024.
Reviewer for: International Journal of Press/Politics; Journalism Practice, Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly; Religion and Politics; International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society.
International Communication Association (ICA), Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Future of Journalism.
The Membership Chair acts as the main point of contact for group members, and promotes greater involvement in the group by members.
The other officers and I have been working towards getting the Political Communication Interest Group to achieve Division status. I have also served as a reviewer for this group.
Crossroads is a multi-disciplinary student conference that doubles as a graduate student recruiting event for our department. The Chair is responsible for ensuring that all aspects of the conference are planned and executed. I initiated a new session to highlight the faculty/student research group collaborations – a major strength of our department.
I worked to promote the event producing event literature and promoting the event online.
Seeking power in Jesus’ name: Trump sparks a rise of Patriot Churches. Washington Post.
Appealing to evangelicals, Trump uses religious words and references to God at a higher rate than previous presidents. The Conversation, Salon. Interviews on Swedish National Television and 570 News.
How Suffering Farmers May Determine Trump’s Fate. The New Yorker.
Wisconsin is scheduled to vote today. How will the pandemic affect turnout? Washington Post Monkey Cage.
Real voting equality. Scholars Strategy Network.
What Makes Wisconsin Swing? Vox.
UW-Madison Communication and Civic Renewal team want nonpartisan redistricting and a voice for political minorities. Capital Times.
Why the Green Party’s whistleblowing manifesto was so important, and what we should learn from it. Screen Shot.